课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
202299 土壤侵蚀与防治 硕士 32
202297 论文写作指导 硕士 16
102314 高级景观生态学 博士 16
102117 博士专业英语 博士 24
102219 论文写作指导 博士 16

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:东北黑土农田侵蚀沟的氮磷-功能机制,2018.1-2021.12.

2. 青年龙江学者特聘教授支持计划:黑土侵蚀沟廊道NP异质性与植被恢复格局之间相互作用机制,2018.9-2021.9.

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:侵蚀黑土耕层微塑料分布和运移机制,2022.1-2025.12.

4. 国家十四五重点研发计划:黑土地保护与利用科技创新,揭榜挂帅,黑土地侵蚀退化功能重建机制与阻控技术(项目)-黑土侵蚀退化过程与空间分异特征及农田生产力响应机制(课题)-黑土退化的空间分异特征及侵蚀驱动机制(子课题),2021.12-2024.12.

5. 中国科学院战略性先导专项(A类)黑土粮仓厚层黑土保育与产能高效海伦示范区:黑土侵蚀阻控与高效生产模式(课题)-坡面防蚀导水技术(子课题),2021-2025. 

6. 东北农业大学青年领军人才支持计划,黑土侵蚀沟自然植被恢复机制和调控技术,202301-202512.






1. Shaoliang Zhang*, Xiaomei Yang , Hennie Gertsen , Piet Peters , Tamás Salánki , Violette Geissen. A simple method for the extraction and identification of light density microplastics from soil. Science of the Total Environment 616–617 (2018.3) 1056–1065

2. Shaoliang Zhang*,Yao Wang, Qingsong Shen. Influence of straw amendment on soil physicochemical properties and crop yield on a consecutive Mollisol slope in Northeastern China. Water, (2018.5), 10, 559;

3. Qingsong Shen, Yao Wang, Xinrui Wang, Xu Liua, Xingyi Zhang, Shaoliang Zhang*. Comparing interpolation methods to predict soil total Phosphorus in the Mollisol area of Northeast China, Catena, 174 (2019.3) 59–72

4. Shaoliang Zhang*, J. Wang, X. Liu, F. Qu, X. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Li, Y. Sun, Microplastics in the environment: A review of analytical methods, distribution, and biological effects, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 1112019.262-72.

5. Shaoliang Zhang*. Heterogeneity of Soil Nutrients: A Review of Methodology, Variability and Impact Factors, Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 2019,01 ,01,6-28. (EI)

6. Shaoliang Zhang*, Liu Xu, Hao Xinhua, Wang Jiuqi, Zhang Ying. 2020. Distribution of low-density microplastics in the Mollisol farmlands of northeast China, Science of the total environment, 708(2020.3)135091, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.135091.

7. Shaoliang Zhang*, Xinrui Wang , Ziliang Xiao, Fengjuan Qu, Xueshan Wang, Yu Li,Muhammad Aurangzeib , Xingyi Zhang , Xiaobing Liu. Quantitative studies of gully slope erosion and soil physicochemical properties during freeze-thaw cycling in a Mollisol region, Science of the Total Environment 707 (2020.5) 136191.

8. Shaoliang Zhang*, Fengjuan Qu, Xueshan Wang, Ziliang Xiao, Xinhua Hao, Li Wang. Freeze-thaw cycles changes soil nitrogen in a Mollisol sloping field in Northeast China, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, (2020.4)116, 345–364

9.Shaoliang Zhang*, Jiuqi Wang, Xinhua Hao. Fertilization accelerates the decomposition of microplastics in mollisols, Science of the Total Environment, (2020.6), 137950

10. Qingsong Shen, Xueshan Wang, Fengjuan Qu, Ziliang Xiao, Xingyi Zhang, Shaoliang Zhang*. Responses of soil total phosphorus to freeze and thaw cycles in a Mollisol watershed, Geoderma, 376 (2020.10) 114571

11. Yao Wang, Ziliang Xiao, Muhammad Aurangzeib, Xingyi Zhang, Shaoliang Zhang*. Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the spatial distribution of soil total nitrogen using a geographically weighted regression kriging method, 2020, Science of the total environment, 763(2021.4, 142993.

12. Shaoliang Zhang*, Jiuqi Wang, Pengke Yan, Xinhua Hao, Bing Xu, Wan Wang. Non-biodegradable microplastics in soils: A brief review and challenge, Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2021.5), 124525.

13. Shaoliang Zhang*, Ziliang Xiao, Jiping Huo, Haijun Zhang.2021. Key factors influencing on vegetation restoration in the gullies of the Mollisols, Journal of Environmental Management, 299(2021, 12)113704

14. Yao Wang, Muhammad Aurangzeib, Shaoliang Zhang*. Topography and Land Management Change the Heterogeneity of Soil Available Nitrogen in a Mollisol Watershed of Northeastern China, Eurasian Soil Science, (2022.2) (1064-2293), 1-12.

15. Shaoliang Zhang*, Ziliang Xiao, Haijun Zhang, Muhammad Aurangzeib. Key factors determining soil organic carbon changes after freeze-thaw cycles in a watershed located in northeast China. Science of the total environment, 2022, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154525

16. Wang Jiuqi, Yan Pengke, Wang Wan, Hao Xinhua, Xu Bing, Muhammad Aurangzeib, Zhang Shaoliang*. Crops change the morphology, abundance, and mass of microplastics in Mollisols of Northeast China, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13, 733804

17. Yan Pengke, Shaoliang Zhang*, Jiuqi wang, Ziliang Xiao, Sihua Yan, Wan Wang, Muhammad Aurangzeib. 2022. Heterogeneity of plastic residue was determined by both mulch film and external plastic pollutants in the farmland of Northeast China, Science of the Total Environment , (2022) 158681

18. Pengke Yan, Shaoliang Zhang*, Jiuqi Wang, Wan Wang, Bing Xu, Xinhua Hao, Muhammad Aurangzeib. 2022. Field management changes the distribution of mesoplastic and macroplastic in Mollisols of Northeast China, Chemosphere, 308, 1, 136282(IF:8.9)

19. Sihua Yan, Shaoliang Zhang*, Pengke Yan, Muhammad Aurangzeib. Efect of biochar application method and amount on the soil quality and maize yield in Mollisols of Northeast China, Biochar, 2022:4:50

20. Xiao Ziliang, Shaoliang Zhang*, Pengke Yan, Jiping Huo, Aurangzeib, M. Microbial Community and Their Potential Functions after Natural Vegetation Restoration in Gullies of Farmland in Mollisols of Northeast China. Land, 2022, 11, 2231

21. Haijun Zhang, Shaoliang Zhang*, Jiping Huo, Ziliang Xiao, Muhammad Aurangzeib. Semi-natural habitat of gullies mediates the spatiotemporal pattern of beneficial insects in an agricultural watershed in Northeast China, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 345(2023)108340

22. Shaoliang Zhang*, Wan Wang, Pengke Yan, Jiuqi Wang, Sihua Yan, Xiaobing Liu, Muhammad Aurangzeib. Microplastic migration and distribution in the terrestrial and aquatic environments: a threat to biotic safety, Journal of Environmental Management,2023, 33(2023)117412

23.Sihua Yan, Shaoliang Zhang*, Bing Xu, Pengke Yan, Jiuqi Wang, Hao Wang, Muhammad Aurangzeib. Microplastics change the leaching of nitrogen and potassium in Mollisols, Science of the Total Environment, 878 (2023) 163121

24. Ziliang Xiao, Shaoliang Zhang*, Mingming Guo, Hao Wang, Weitao Xu, Feng Zhao, Muhammad Aurangzeib, Ehsan Tavakkoli. Nitrogen and phosphorus change the early of natural vegetation restoration in degraded Phaeozems of gullies, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 164107

25.Penke Yan, Xinhua Hao, Shaoliang Zhang* . Extraction and decontamination of microplastics from high organic matter soils: A simple, cost-saving and high efficient method, Journal of Environmental Management,344 (2023) 118381

26. Shaoliang.Zhang*, Wan Wang, Mingming Guo, Hao Wang, Lei Gao, Qingsong Shen, Xingyi Zhang. Spatial heterogeneity of soil available phosphorus changed after freeze and thaw cycles in Mollisols of a watershed, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2023, 10.1007/s10705-023-10307-8

27. Shaoliang Zhang*, Jiuqi Wang, Pengke Yan, Muhammad Aurangzeib. Middle concentration of microplastics decreasing soil moisture-temperature and the germination rate and early height of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var.ramosa Hort.) in Mollisols. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 167184.

28. Lilong Yan, Mingyue Yin, Jingwen Miao, Xu Song, Jishuang Jiang, Shaoliang Zhang*. Removal of nitrate nitrogen by Pseudomonas JI-2 under strong alkaline conditions: Performance and mechanism, Bioresource Technology, 388, 2023, 129755.

29. Shaoliang Zhang*, Muhammad Aurangzeib, Ziliang Xiao, Hao Wang, Weitao Xu. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil available nitrogen during freeze-thaw cycles in a watershed: a three years’ investigation, Land Degradation and Development, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4993.

30. Muhammad Aurangzeib, Shaoliang Zhang*, Sihua Yan, Jianhong Zhou, Xiaoguang Niu, Pengke Yan, Jiuqi Wang. Biochar Application Can Improve Most of the Chemical Properties of Acidic Soils: A Global Meta-Analysis, ACS Agricultural Science & Technology, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsagscitech.3c00564


1. 张少良*,张海军,肖梓良,曲凤娟,王雪珊,霍纪平,张兴义,刘晓冰. 东北典型黑土区农田景观多尺度土壤养分时空分异研究进展,东北农业大学学报2020517:86-96.

2. 谷际岐,佟竺殷,魏逸衡,刘晓艺,冯伟轩,朱轩,张少良*. 冻融影响下黑土耕层剖面速效氮动态变化,水土保持学报202135(02)295-302+308.

3. 王雪珊,沈庆松,高凤杰,张兴义,张少良*,王力.黑土区小流域土壤速效磷空间分布模拟方法. 水土保持研究2021282):33-40.


5. 徐微涛,张少良*,赵广印,汪浩,张成博,庄亚茹,闫鹏科,李传宝,李威,张兴义.基于复合指纹法的典型黑土小流域侵蚀泥沙来源解析,中国环境科学2023(EI).

6. 王琬,张少良*刘旭等. 水蚀对黑土微塑料运移和分布影响的初步研究 . 水土保持研究, 2024, 31 (02): 1-10.


1. 闫立龙,张晓琦,张少良,张颖,刘庆平,刘聪,淘月,张瑜丹,张英民,刘爽.一种沼液精准施用装置及方法,2020.6.5ZL201811612884.0.

2. 闫思华,张少良,汪浩,徐微涛,闫鹏科,赵广印.便捷式土壤取样器,2022ZL 2022 2 2020774.3.


     三级教授,农业生态与气候变化学科带头人, 龙江学者青年学者(2018-2021),黑龙江省头雁行动寒地粮食作物优质高效生产创新团队骨干,ANSO世界黑土联合会中国研究会副秘书长,国际景观生态学会会员(IALE),省黑土资源保护利用学会常务理事,中国水土保持学会土壤侵蚀专业委员会委员、省农产品质量安全风险评估专家委员会委员、省自然保护区评审委员会专家委员。 Science of the Total Environment、水土保持学报等多个杂志编委。《生态学报》40周年综合评优优秀审稿人,《土壤与作物》优秀审稿专家。先后到AAFC-Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre (ECORC)2009.2-2010.2)(联合培养博士生)、Wageningen University (2016.7-2017.7)CSC骨干教师)访学,主持国家自然科学基金4项,国家重点研发项目子课题2项,其他课题10多项。到现在为止共发论文100多篇,其中以第1作者和通讯作者在Trends in analytical chemistryLand degradation and developmentGeodermaCatenaAgriculture, Ecosystems and EnvironmentSoil tillage and researchBiocharJournal of Hazardous MaterialsScience of the Total EnvironmentJournal of Environmental management、Chemosphere、水利学报、水土保持学报、环境科学学报、环境科学、中国环境科学等杂志表论文70多篇,SCI收录40多篇,获授权专利8项,参与制定地方标准2项,参编教材3部,获省自然科学二等奖1项(1/5),省高校科学技术一等奖1项(1/5)。


Science of The Total Environment (SCI+EI)

Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences (EI)

Frontiers in environmental science (SCI)







Journal of Visualized Experiments》(专刊编委)

Soil ecology letter》(专刊编委)