课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
S123 机器学习与数据挖掘 博士研究生课 32

[1]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.01-2027.12,主持;

 [2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021.1-2024.12,主持;

[3]  黑龙江省教育厅新一轮黑龙江省“双一流”学科协同创新成果重点培育项目,2023.06-2026.12,主持;

[4]  黑龙江省人社厅博士后科研启动基金,2022.01-2024.12,省级,主持;

[5]   广东省普通高校重点领域专项(自然科学类),2021.1-2023.12,主持;


[1]  黑龙江省高校科学技术成果奖,一等奖,2021年;

[2]  黑龙江省科技奖自然科学类,三等奖,2018年。


[1]Qiuju Xie, Mengru Wu, Jun Bao, Ping Zheng, Wenyang Liu, Xuefei Liu, Haiming Yu. A deep learning-based detection method for pig body temperature using infrared thermography. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2023, 213: 108200.(SCI 一区Top)

[2]Enlin Li, Liwei Wang, Qiuju Xie*, Rui Gao, Zhongbin Su*, Yonggang Li.  A novel deep learning method for maize disease identification based on small sample-size and complex background datasets. Ecological Informatics 2023,75: 102011(ESI高倍引)

[3]Qiuju Xie, Ji-Qin Ni, Enlin Li, Jun Bao*, Ping Zheng. Sequential air pollution emission estimation using a hybrid deep learning model and health-related ventilation control in a pig building. Journal of Cleaner Production.2022, 371: 133714 (SCI一区Top)

[4]Jun Bao, Qiuju Xie*. Artificial Intelligence in animal farming: A systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022(331):129956.(SCI 一区Top;ESI高倍引)

[5]Qiuju Xie, Ji-Qin Ni, Jun Bao*, Zhongbin Su*. Correlations, variations, and modelling of indoor environment in a mechanically-ventilated pig building. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021,282:124441. (SCI 一区Top)

[6]Qiuju Xie, Ji-Qin Ni, Jun Bao, Zhongbin Su. A thermal environmental model for indoor air temperature prediction and energy consumption in pig building. Building and Environment. 2019 (161): UNSP 106238. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106238 (SCI一区Top)

[7]Xie, Q., Ni, J., Su, Z. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of multiple environmental factors for swine building assessment and control. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017(340)463-471.(SCI一区Top)

[8]Xie, Q., Ni, J., Su, Z. A prediction model of ammonia emission from a fattening pig room based on the indoor concentration using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017(325): 301-309.(SCI一区Top)

[9]Hong Zhou, Qingda Li*, Qiuju Xie*. Individual Pig Identification Using Back Surface Point Clouds in 3D Vision. Sensors, 2023, 23, 5156. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23115156

[10]Jiahui Liu, Ansheng Deng, Xinqiang Xie, Qiuju Xie. ExpRec: Deep knowledge-awared question routing in software question answering community. Applied Intelligence. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-022-03369-8


[1]   电控式漏缝地板清洗消毒机器人系统、方法、介质及终端,ZL202111362561.2

[2]  畜禽舍高压静电与酸雾耦合除氨除尘一体机及除尘方法. ZL202211523516.5

[3]  一种基于生物质能加热的寒区畜禽舍内环境调控系统,ZL202210115455.2

[4]  具有回收功能的粪污自动识别定点消杀机器人及消杀方法.ZL202110834370.5 

[5] 一种基于深度学习的猪只体表测温装置及方法.ZL20211609871.X 

[6]  Intelligent environment precise controller for live stock and poultry houses. 202201055

[7]   一种酸洗水幕式猪舍内除氨气空气净化装置,ZL201911198176.1 

[8] 机械摩擦与液力耦合式猪舍漏缝地板智能清洗消毒机器人及系统, ZL202210159373.8 

[9] 冬季北方寒地猪舍环控一体机系统, ZL201910010646.0

[10]  寒区猪舍空气除湿净化调温排风系统,ZL2019100106742

[11] 寒地养殖舍除湿新风一体机系统, ZL202020059122.9

[12] 寒地养殖舍冬季除有害气体可调式装置,ZL202020059121.4

[13] 一种便清洁式漏缝地板, ZL201910010649.4

[14]  奶牛反刍行为监测器配戴装置,ZL201811189067.9

[15]  种鹅个体产蛋自动监测记录装置,ZL201811189068.3


1. 中国农业工程学会畜牧工程分会常务理事;

2. 黑龙江省数字农业产业体系岗位专家;

3. 黑龙江省计算机学会智慧农业专委会秘书长;



6. Agriculture 专刊学术编辑;

7.International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 客座编辑。

8. 西江人才计划肇庆市高层次人才;


10. 中国农工党黑龙江省委会成立35周年先进个人;

11. 大市市政协第九届委员会委员、龙凤区政协常委;
