课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
10600711z 乳品工艺学 本科生课程 32
10600519z 固态乳品科学与技术 本科生课程 32
10600514z 蛋品科学与技术 本科生课程 32
10600576z 乳品专论 本科生课程 32
210341 现代乳品加工学 硕士课程 32
310301 乳品工程技能综合试验 硕士课程 32
310302 固态乳制品科学与技术 硕士课程 32
110305 食品科学研究进展(博) 博士课程 32
110303 乳品产业与科技专论 博士课程 32
















1.Improving lipid digestion by modulating interfacial structure of fat globule based on milk fat globule membrane and different phospholipidsFood Hydrocolloids2024, 150 109736 1区,IF=11.504),通讯作者

2.Regulating the lipid droplet interface based on milk fat globule membrane and milk proteins to improve lipid digestion of model infant formula emulsion, Food Hydrocolloids,2024,146,1091871区,IF=11.504),通讯作者

3.Changes in interfacial composition and structure of milk fat globules are crucial regulating lipid digestion in simulated in-vitro infant gastrointestinal digestionFood Hydrocolloids2023, 134, 1080031区,IF=11.504),通讯作者

4.Comparative analysis of interfacial composition and structure of fat globules in human milk and infant formulasFood Hydrocolloids2022, 124, 1072901区,IF=11.504),第一作者

5.Influence of milk fat globule membrane and milk protein concentrate treated by ultrasound on the structural and emulsifying stability of mimicking human fat emulsionsUltrasonics Sonochemistry2022, 82, 1058811区,IF= 9.336),通讯作者

6.Ultrasound-induced structural changes of different milk fat globule membrane protein-phospholipids complexes and their effects on physicochemical and functional properties of emulsions, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2024, 103, 1067991区,IF= 9.336),通讯作者

7.Comparative lipidomics analysis of human, bovine and caprine milk by UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Food Chemistry, 2020, 310, 1258651区,IF= 8.8),通讯作者

8.Development, characterization, and probiotic encapsulating ability of novel Momordica charantia bioactive polysaccharides/whey protein isolate composite gel, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2023,225:454-466 JAN 15 20231区,IF= 8.2),通讯作者

9.New insights into the bioactive polysaccharides, proteins, and triterpenoids isolated from Bitter melon (Momordica charancia) and their relevance for nutraceutical and food application: A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023,231,123173. MAR 15 20231区,IF= 8.2),通讯作者

10.Novel trends and challenges in fat modification of next-generation infant formula: Considering the structure of milk fat globules to improve lipid digestion and metabolism of infantsFood Research International, 2023, 174, 1135741区,IF=8.1),通讯作者

11.The influence of MPL addition on structure, interfacial compositions and physicochemical properties on infant formula fat globulesFood Research International2023,168,1127691区,IF= 8.1),第一作者

12.Interaction between whey protein and soy lecithin and its influence on physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of emulsion: A consideration for mimicking milk fat globuleFood Research International2023,163, 1121811区,IF= 8.1),通讯作者

13.Profiling of phospholipid classes and molecular species in human milk, bovine milk, and goat milk by UHPLC-Q-TOF-MSFood Research International2022,161, 1118721区,IF= 8.1),通讯作者

14.Potato protein: An emerging source of high quality and allergy free protein and its possible future based products. Food Research International, 2021, 148, 110583 1区,IF= 8.1),通讯作者

15.Interfacial composition in infant formulas powder modulate lipid digestion in simulated in-vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion. Food Research International, 2023,165,112553 MAR 20231区,IF= 8.1),通讯作者

16.Formulation, invitro digestive study, and comparative fatty acid analysis of walnut oil-based infant formula, with human milk, animal milk, and commercial infant formula. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 2023,84,103279 MAR 20231区,IF= 6.6),通讯作者

17.Simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion of infant formulas containing different fat sources and human milk: Differences in lipid profiling and free fatty acid release. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(24):6799-68091区,IF= 6.1),第一作者

18.Effect of particle size and interface composition on the lipid digestion of droplets covered with membrane phospholipids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(1): 159-1691区,IF= 6.1),第一作者

19.Comparative lipidomics analysis of human milk and different fat source infant formulas by using UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(3):1146–11551区,IF= 6.1),通讯作者

20.Comparative analysis of lipid digestion characteristics in human, bovine and caprine milk based on simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69, 10104-101131区,IF= 6.1),第一作者

21.Stabilization of human milk fat analog emulsions using milk fat globule membrane material–coated lipid droplets: Structural and physical propertiesLWT-Food Science and Technology2023,171,1141541区,IF= 6.056),通讯作者

22.Improvement in bioactive, functional, structural and digestibility of potato protein and its fraction patatin via ultra-sonication, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 148, 1117471区,IF= 6.056),通讯作者

23.Characterization and anti-hyper-lipidemic effect of micro encapsulated phytosterol enriched cheddar cheese. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 123, 1101141区,IF= 6.056),通讯作者

24.Identification of antioxidant peptides from Cheddar cheese made with Lactobacillus helveticus. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 141(2):1108661区,IF= 6.056),通讯作者

25.Proteolysis and ACE-inhibitory peptide profile of Cheddar cheese: Effect of digestion treatment and different probiotics. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 145, 111295. 1区,IF= 6.056),通讯作者

26.Effects of egg yolk lecithin/milk fat globule membrane material ratio on the structure and stability of oil-in-water emulsions. LWT-Food Science and Technology,2022,168,113891OCT 1 20221区,IF= 6.056),通讯作者

27.Enhancing the physicastability and bioaccessibility of curcumin emulsions through the interaction of whey protein isolate and soybean lecithinFood Bioscience2024,58,103676. 1区,IF=5.2),通讯作者

28.Effect of ultrasound assisted heating on structure and antioxidant activity of whey protein peptide grafted with galactose, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 109:130-136,通讯作者

29.A comparative analysis of lipid digestion in human milk and infant formulas based on simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion. Foods, 2022, 11, 200,通讯作者

30.The peptide fractions of Cheddar cheese made with Lactobacillus helveticus 1.0612 play protective effects in H2O2 induced oxidative damaged Caco-2 cells models. Foods, 2023,12(14)2790,通讯作者

31.Covalent conjugation of whey protein isolate hydrolysates and galactose through Maillard reaction to improve the functional properties and antioxidant activity. International Dairy Journal, 2020, 102, 104584,通讯作者

32.The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum combined with inulin on the physicochemical properties and sensory acceptance of low-fat Cheddar cheese during ripening. International Dairy Journal, 2021, 115:104947,通讯作者

33.Interfacial compositions of fat globules modulate structural characteristics and lipolysis of its model emulsions during in-vitro digestion. Journal of the Science of Food and Agricultural,2023,103(9):4668-4675,通讯作者

34.Influence of pasteurization and spray drying on the fat digestion behavior of human milk fat analog emulsion: A simulated in vitro infant digestion study, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture2024,通讯作者

35.Decomposition of dibutyl phthalate in goat whey solution by different catalytic ozonation treatments: Performance and efficiency, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2020, 20, 101165,通讯作者





3.一种具有益生功能的婴幼儿配方奶粉复合包及其制备方法(Complex pack of infant formula milk power with prebiotic function and preparation method thereof),2022.11.30,荷兰,2029452

4. 一种降血压牛乳配方奶粉及其制备方法(Blood pressure  lowering cow-milk formula milk powder and preparation method thereof),2021.12.3,荷兰,2029451



7. 一种高降胆固醇活性的低脂契达干酪及其制备方法,2021.04.08,中国,ZL201710950376.2








