课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
211303 多元统计分析 研究生 32

1. 十三五科技部国家重点研发计划项目 半湿润区粳稻水分高效利用技术集成与示范(2018YFD0300105-22018.07-2020.12,主持

2. 博士后黑龙江科研启动金 基于模糊格包容性测度的EFMM方法的黑龙江省农业产业结构分区研究(LBH-Q21065,2022.01-2024.12,主持



1. Xiangyan Meng*,Xiaole Tian,Qiufeng Wu,Yiping Chen,Jinchao Pan & Yan Hang.Meta-baseline based on deep neuro-fuzzy network for few-shot plant leaf fungal diseases recognition,The Imaging Science Journal,2022,70:3, 168-180,SCI四区

2. Linyun Zhou, Xiangyan Meng*, Shuang Wu, Qiufeng Wu, Zhongxue Zhang, Ennan Zheng,Evaluation of different irrigation methods based on deep evaluate model named IMDEM,Paddy and Water Environment,2022(7), 20:517-527,SCI四区

3. Xiaole Tian, Xiangyan Meng*,Qiufeng Wu,Yiping Chen,Jinchao Pan,Identifification of Tomato Leaf  Diseases based on a Deep Neuro-fuzzy Network,Journal of The Institution of Engineers(India):Serics A,(202206)103(2):695-706,EI

4. X. Meng, M. Liu, M. Wang, J. Wang and Q. Wu, Fuzzy min-max neural network with fuzzy lattice inclusion measure for agricultural circular economy region division in Heilongjiang Province in China,2020, IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1):36120-36130,SCI 二区 

5. X.Meng: M. Liu, H. Zhou, J. Wu, F. Xu, Q. Wu. Fuzzy C-Means on Metric Lattice. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences.2020,54(1):30-38,EI

6. Xiangyan Meng, Muyan Liu,Ailing Qiao,Huiqiu Zhou,Jingyi Wu,Fei Xu,Qiufeng Wu,Fuzzy Interval Number K-Means Clustering for Region Division of  Pork Market.International Journal of Decision Support System Technology,2020, 12(3):43-61,EI

7. Xiangyan Meng, Muyan Liu, Qiufeng Wu.Prediction of Rice Yield Via Stacked LSTM. International Journal of Agricultural and Enviromental Information Systems, 2020,11(1):86-95,EI

8. Lingyun Zhou, Xiangyan Meng*, Zhongxue Zhang, Qiufeng Wu,Association Analysis of Growth Characteristics, WUE, and RUE of Rice in Cold Region Under Different Irrigation Patterns.Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A,2020, 101(3):421-431,EI

9. Xiangyan Meng, Muyan Liu, Jingyi Wu, Huiqiu Zhou, Fei Xu, Qiufeng Wu. Hierarchical clustering on metric lattice. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2020, 13(1): 1-16,EI

10. 孟翔燕,周凌云,张忠学,吴秋峰.不同灌溉模式对水稻生长、水分和辐射利用效率的影响[J/OL].农业机械学报 2019,50(11):285-292,EI 

11. Water  and Radiation Use Efficiency of Japonica Rice with Different  Irrigation Methods in Semi-humid Area of China,Agricultural  Research,2019.08,EI

