课程编号 | 课程名称 | 课程级别 | 学时 |
负责代表东北农业大学园艺学院园林学院与峰然(黑龙江)农业集团有限公司(以下简称公司)对接物质性生态产品提质增效技术研发项目。 近五年来,参加各级各类科研项目21项:包括十四五重点研发项目“病虫害绿色防控产品工艺研发与示范”、十三五重点研发项目“东北森林区石竹类等花卉资源新品种选育与快繁技术研究与示范”、国家自然基金项目“尖叶石竹抗寒抗旱功能基因鉴定及其对香石竹的遗传转化研究”、中国博士后基金项目、省自然科学基金项目“尖叶石竹抗寒、抗旱功能基因发掘与功能验证”、“表皮蜡质合成基因CER1调控尖叶石竹耐旱性的分子机制研”、“液泡型H+-ATPase d亚基基因在植物生长中的功能研究”、省博士后基金项目、黑龙江省教育教学规划课题、教育部新世纪教育教改项目、省科技攻关项目、省教育厅科研项目、哈尔滨市留学基金项目、市攻关项目。近五年在国内核心科技期刊发表科研论文30余篇, 参加各级各类教材编写6部,参加省级精品课程建设2门,主持校级精品课程建设1门,参加校级精品课程建设3门,指导硕士研究生32名。
1.Qiao Kun#,Wang Qi#,Liu Xiang,Gong Shufang,Wang Jingang*.(2023). Cadmium/lead tolerance of six Dianthus species and detoxification mechanism in Dianthusspiculifolius.Chemosphere,312(P1). doi: 10.1016/J.CHEMOSPHERE.2022.137258(SCI收录,IF:8.943,JCR:Q2)
2.Qiao, Siyu, Tao Ye, Shan Qinghua, Wang Jingang, Chai Tuanyao, Gong Shufang*, Qiao Kun*. Physiological and gene expression responses of six annual ryegrass cultivars to cobalt, lead, and nickel stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 21, 13583.
3.Wang JG#, Shan Q#, Ran Y, Sun D, Zhang H, Zhang J, Gong S, Zhou AM*, Qiao K*. (2021) Molecular characterization of a tolerant saline-alkali chlorella phosphatidate phosphatase that confers NaCl and sorbitol tolerance. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 738282. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.738282. (SCI, IF: 5.64, JCR: Q1 TOP)
4.Wang JG#, Dai SY#, Sun HW, Liu EH, Zhou M, Feng S, Qiao K, Gong SF, Zhou AM*. (2020). The N-terminal and third transmembrane domain of PsCor413im1 are essential for targeting to chloroplast envelope membrane. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 527(4):929-934. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.05.046. (SCI收录, IF: 2.705, JCR: Q2)
5.Wang JG, Liu SY, Ma HP, Tao Y, Feng S, Gong SF, Zhang JZ, Zhou AM*. (2020). Reliable and efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of Dianthus spiculifolius. Horticultural Plant Journal, 6(3): 199-204. doi:10.1016/j.hpj.2020. 03.004. (SCI收录, IF:3.032,JCR: Q2)
6.Ma HP, Zhao JC, Feng S, Qiao K, Gong S, Wang JG*, Zhou AM*. (2020) Heterologous expression of nitrate assimilation related-protein DsNAR2.1/ NRT3.1 affects uptake of nitrate and ammonium in nitrogen-starved Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(11), 4027. doi:10.3390/ijms21114027. (SCI收录, IF: 4.183, JCR:Q2)
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2. 水生花卉景观系统(ZL200920311003.1)
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