课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
05600028x 观赏鱼类 专业限选课 12
205216 水产动物生物技术应用研究进展 专业必修课 32
305351 现代渔业进展 专业必修课 32

1.     2022.10-2024.10,青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室前沿技术自由探索项目“鱼类mRNA疫苗关键技术研究”,主持。

2.     202201-202512月主持国家自然基金面上项目:传染性造血器官坏死病毒G蛋白糖基化位点突变对其逃逸抗原识别及免疫应答的影响,项目编号:3217301258万元。

3.     2017-2019主持国家十三五科技部国家重点研发项目动物疫病生物防治性制剂研制与产业化子课题,项目编号:2017YFD0501000

4.     2017-2020主持国家自然基金面上项目传染性造血器官坏死病毒感染性克隆嵌合病毒的构建及其免疫原性研究,项目批准号:31672697


1.         Zhang, M., Sun, J., Shi, Y., Zhang, F., Li, S., Zhao, D., Wu, G., Li, L., Miao, Z., & Liu, M. (2024). The antiviral effects of TRIM23 and TRIM32 proteins in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 151, 105097. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2023.105097

2.     Wen Shi, Na Wang, Bing Han, Mengmeng Zhang, Yanxue Shi, Dandan Zhao, Yanzi Zhang, Fengxia Zhao, Xueting Guan, Jinshan Huang, and Min Liu*. Fish Ddx3 Enhances Antiviral Immunity by up-Regulating Antiviral Interferon Responses. Aquaculture, 2023, 566: 739176.

3.         Shuai Gao, Bing Han, Baoxing Xu, Na Wang, Yanru Zhang, Xuefei Liu, Mengmeng Zhang, Guanbo Wang, Xueting Guan, Jinshan Huang, Min Liu*, and Wen Shi*. Sav Nsp2 Regulates Nf-Κb Signaling to Induce Inflammatory Responses by Targeting Host Ddx3. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2023, 140: 104612.

4.         Shuai Gao, Xuefei Liu, Bing Han, Na Wang, Xiaonan Lv, Xueting Guan, Gefeng Xu, Jinshan Huang, Wen Shi*, and Min Liu*. Salmonid Alphavirus Non-Structural Protein 2 Is a Key Protein That Activates the Nf-Κb Signaling Pathway to Mediate Inflammatory Responses. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2022, 129: 182-90.

5.         Jiahui Li, Dong Xia, Mengmeng Zhang, Yanru Zhang, Xuefei Liu, Jinhui Sun, Baoxing Xu, Jiawei Yang, Na Wang, Wen Shi, Xueting Guan*, and Min Liu*. Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (Ihnv) Nucleoprotein Amino Acid Residues Affect Viral Virulence and Immunogenicity in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2022, 130: 572-81.

6.         Huanyi Liu, Wenying Sun, Huijun Zhu, Jinming Guo, Min Liu*, and Shiwen Xu*. Eucalyptol Relieves the Toxicity of Diisobutyl Phthalate in Ctenopharyngodon Idellus Kidney Cells through Keap1/Nrf2/Ho-1 Pathway: Apoptosis-Autophagy Crosstalk and Immunoregulation. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2022, 130: 490-500.

7.         Yanru Zhang, Jinhui Sun, Yanxue Shi, Xuefei Liu, Mengmeng Zhang, Baoxing Xu, Jian Song, Zhenguo Song, Xueting Guan, Wen Shi*, and Min Liu*. Oncorhynchus Mykiss Omtrim25 Activates the Interferon-1 Pathway and Positively Regulates the Antiviral Innate Immune Response to Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus. Aquaculture, 2022, 560: 738435.

8.         Jinhui Sun, Mengmeng Zhang, Dandan. Zhao, Jiawei. Yang, Yanxue. Shi, Baoxing. Xu, Xuefei. Liu, Xueting. Guan, Wen. Shi, and Min. Liu*. Immunological Effects of Recombinant Lactobacillus Casei Expressing Ihnv G Protein and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Chemokine Ck6 as an Oral Vaccine. Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 13: 927443.

9.         Shuai GaoNa WangJiawei YangJinhui SunYuting WangDong XiaJingwen TianYuntong ZhaoYing FengYing ZhouXueting GuanWen Shi*Min Liu*.Development and evaluation of indirect double-antibody sandwich ELISA for rapid detection of Salmonid Alphavirus using Baculoviridae expressed E1 Protein. Aquaculture,2021,737081.

10.      Xiaojing Hua, Ying Zhou, Ying Feng, Kexin Duan, Xuanyu Ren, Jinhui Sun, Shuai Gao, Na Wang, Jiahui Li, Jiawei Yang, Dong Xia, Chunyue Li, Xueting Guan, Shi Wen*, Liu Min*. Oral vaccine against IPNV based on antibiotic-free resistance recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing CK6-VP2 fusion protein, Aquaculture,2021,736425.

11.      Hua, X.; Feng, Y.; Guan, X.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Ren, X.; Li, D.; Gao, S.; Huang, J.; Guan, X.; Shi, W.; Liu, M., Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus truncated G protein effect on survival, immune response, and disease resistance in rainbow trout. Diseases of aquatic organisms 2020, 139, 25-33.

12.      Chen, Y.; Hua, X.; Ren, X.; Duan, K.; Gao, S.; Sun, J.; Feng, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Guan, X.; Li, D.; Wang, N.; Li, J.; Yang, J.; Xia, D.; Shi, W.#; Liu, M.#, Oral immunization with recombinant Lactobacillus casei displayed AHA1-CK6 and VP2 induces protection against infectious pancreatic necrosis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2020, 100, 18-26.

13.      Yaping Chen; Jiahui Li; Dechuan Li; Xin Guan; Xuanyu Ren; Ying Zhou; Ying Feng; Shuai Gao; Na Wang; Xueting Guan; Wen Shi; Min Liu*; The L-domains in M and G proteins of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) affect viral budding and pathogenicity, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2019.10, 95: 171-179

14.       Yaping Chen; Jiahui Li; Ying Zhou; Ying Feng; Xin Guan; Dechuan Li; Xuanyu Ren; Shuai Gao; Jinshan Huang; Xueting Guan; Wen Shi; Min Liu*; The role of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) proteins in recruiting the ESCRT pathway through three ways in the host cells of fish during IHNV budding, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2019.09, 92: 833-841

15.      Yaping Chen#; Mengting Guo#; Yanxue Wang; Xiaojing Hua; Shuai Gao; Yuting Wang; Dechuan Li; Wen Shi; Lijie Tang; Yijing Li; Min Liu (*) ; Immunity induced by recombinant attenuated IHNV (infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus)-GN438A expresses VP2 gene encoded IPNV (infectious pancreatic necrosis virus) against both pathogens in rainbow trout, Journal of Fish Diseases, 2019.05,42:631-642


1.发明专利: 刘敏 ; 李一经; 赵丽丽; 唐丽杰; 乔薪瑗,一株重组传染性造血器官坏死病毒rIHNV HLJ-09株及其构建方法和应用 , 2015.6.8, 中国, ZL 201510309061.0

2.发明专利:唐丽杰 ; 李一经; 乔薪瑗; 姜艳平; 崔文; 于慧; 刘敏,一种作为断乳仔猪饲料添加剂的表达乳铁蛋白重组乳酸菌组合物 , 2013.11.22, 中国, ZL 201310594969.1


博士生导师,教授,动科学院,畜牧学二级学科水生动物保护与生产带头人;农业农村部水产病害防治分技术委员会委员;中国水产学会鲑鳟鱼类养殖专业委员会委员;中国水产学会鱼病专业委员会委员;中国水产流通与加工协会三文鱼分会技术委员会委员;黑龙江省免疫学会理事,世界动物卫生组织(OIE)水生动物中国评议专家;国家自然基金同行评议专家;水产领域高水平SCI Top 期刊审稿人;主持3项国家科技部项目、4项国家自然科学基金项目及其它各级各类项目30余项。获得省市级奖3项,获授权发明专利3项,出版教材和专著6部,发表研究论文100余篇,其中SCI收录70余篇,SCI一区16篇。