课程编号 | 课程名称 | 课程级别 | 学时 |
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,改性大豆蛋白纳米乳运载系统构建及其抗氧化性和抗菌性能的研究,31901605,2020.1-2022.12,24万元,主持人。
2. 东北农业大学“东农学者计划”项目(学术骨干),酶解和多酚复合改性对大豆蛋白纳米乳稳定性的影响及其功能特性的研究,19XG27,2020.1-2022.12,10万元,主持人。
3. 黑龙江省博士后科研启动金,LBH-Q21073,基于改性大豆蛋白的姜黄素纳米乳液输送特性及体外消化性质的研究,2022.1-2023.12,6万元,主持。
1. Hua Jin1, Lifeng Shang1, Yuhang Xue, Ying Wan, Chang Liu, Zhijun Fan, Jing Xu, and Qingshan Zhao. Lipolytic behavior and bioaccessibility of curcumin nanoemulsions stabilized by rice bran protein hydrolysate.LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2023, 179: 114616.
2. Hua Jin1, Chang Liu1, Shenyi Zhang, Zhuanzhuan Guo, Jishu Li, Qingshan Zhao, Yan Zhang and Jing Xu*, Comparison of protein hydrolysates against their native counterparts in terms of structural and antioxidant properties, and when used as emulsifiers for curcumin nanoemulsions, Food & Function, 2020, 11: 10205-10218.
3. Haiying Fenga1, Hua Jina1, Yu Gao, Siqiang Yan, Yan Zhang, Qingshan Zhao, Jing Xu*, Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the structure and emulsifying properties of peanut protein isolates, Food Chemistry, 2020, 330: 127215.
4. 金花,江连洲,冯海莹,王菊兵,张晓松,许晶*, 绿原酸共价和非共价作用对黑豆蛋白纳米乳稳定性和抗氧化性的影响, 食品科学,2022,43(04): 17-24.