课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
29600001g 创业基础 本科课程 12

1.     十四五国家重点研发计划子课题: 高稳定乳剂特定全营养配方食品制备关键技术研究及产业示范.(2022YFF1100603-03)2022.12-2026.12

2.     黑龙江省自然科学优秀青年基金项目: 蛋白复配体系对植物肉纤维组织化和风味保留的协同增效机制解析.(YQ2022C021)2022.07-2025.07

3.     黑龙江省重点研发计划项目子课题: 大豆降糖肽加工关键技术研究及产业化应用.(GY2021ZB0204)2021.09-2023.08

4.     山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)项目子课题: 大豆蛋白加工关键技术研发及新产品创制.(2022CXGC010603)2021.10-2024.10


1.      专用型大豆蛋白高品质制造关键技术研发与创新应用——中国粮油学会科学技术奖二等奖(2023)

2.      大豆蛋白基食品制造与品质提升关键技术创新与应用——中国商业联合会科学技术奖一等奖(2021)

3.      大豆蛋白高效增值制造关键技术创新与应用——山东省科技进步奖二等奖(2021)

4.      植物蛋白肉风味提升关键技术及应用——中国发明协会发明创业奖二等奖(2020)

5.      大豆蛋白增值化生产与绿色减废关键技术创新与应用——中国粮油学会科学技术奖三等奖(2020)


1.      Effects of material characteristics on the structural characteristics and flavor substances retention of meat analogs.Food Hydrocolloids.2020, 105:105752.中科院一区TOP ESI高倍引论文 一作

2.      Effects of high-pressure homogenization on structural and emulsifying properties of thermally soluble aggregated kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) proteins.Food Hydrocolloids.2021,119:106835.中科院一区TOP ESI高倍引论文 一作

3.      Effect of biophysical properties of tumor extracellular matrix on intratumoral fate of nanoparticles: Implications on the design of nanomedicine.Advances in Colloid and Interface Science.2024,326:103124. 中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

4.      Interaction mechanism of pea proteins with selected pyrazine flavors: Differences in alkyl numbers and flavor concentration.Food Hydrocolloids.2024,147:109314.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

5.      Gel properties of rice proteins-pectin composite and the delivery potential for curcumin: Based on different concentrations and the degree of esterification of pectin.Food Hydrocolloids.2024,146:109305.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

6.      Soy protein isolate/carboxymethyl cellulose sodium complexes system stabilized high internal phase Pickering emulsions: Stabilization mechanism based on noncovalent interaction.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.2024,256:128381. 中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

7.      Effect of exopolysaccharides yield and addition concentration of Lactobacillus helveticus on the processing characteristics of fermented milk and its mechanism.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.2024, 260:129480.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

8.      Effect of cavitation jet technology on instant solubility characteristics of soymilk flour: Based on the change of protein conformation in soymilk.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2023,96:106421.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

9.      Effects of ultrasound on the structural and emulsifying properties and interfacial properties of oxidized soybean protein aggregates.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2022,87:106046.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

10.   The temporal evolution mechanism of structure and function of oxidized soy protein aggregates.Food Chemistry: X.2022,15:100382.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

11.   Effects of ultrasonic pretreatment of soybean protein isolate on the binding efficiency, structural changes, and bioavailability of a protein-luteolin nanodelivery system.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2022.88:106075.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

12.   Elucidating gut microbiota and metabolite patterns shaped by goat milk-based infant formula feeding in mice colonized by healthy infant feces.Food Chemistry.2023,410:135413.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者

13.   Effects of microwave on the structural and emulsifying properties and interfacial properties of oxidized soybean protein aggregates.Food Chemistry:X.2023,19:100861.中科院一区TOP SCI论文 通讯作者


1.      一种利于大豆蛋白吸收的营养粉及其制备方法(授权发明专利;ZL202211304436.0


1.        黑龙江省三区人才

2.        中科协科技智库青年人才